Seattle Womxns March, Revolutionary Feminists Contingent

January 19, 2019 at 6:00pm - 9:30pm
Cal Anderson Park

Welcome to the Revolutionary Feminist Contingent!

We aren’t just marching. We are building a movement of inclusive, revolutionary feminism that stands in solidarity with all oppressed people. We stand for a just, socialist world.

We’re fighting for a world where ‘a woman’s choice’ doesn’t mean choosing between a rock and a hard place--where losing your job doesn’t mean losing your insulin, and leaving a violent partner doesn’t mean losing your home. We deserve better choices.

We’re fighting for a world in which healthcare is free and high-quality, housing is a public right for everyone, where childcare is free, 24-hour, and rooted in your community, where you don’t clock out and go right back to work at home, and where you can walk down the street without holding your keys between your hands. All these issues are feminist issues--but they affect every one of us.

Your choice, your body, your freedom of expression: it belongs to you, and it’s possible to live in a society that celebrates and defends it.

We have the resources to make this happen, but instead of spending it on people, we’re spending it on endless war and padding the pockets of the rich. Capitalism relies on racism, sexism, and homophobia to keep us exhausted, afraid, and divided. We’re stronger together.

We’ve won in the past by working together. Today, women around the world are exerting their collective power, from women at Google who walked out together against sexual harassment, to the women in India who formed a hundreds of miles long human wall. We can kick out Trump and make a party of our own. We can fight not just to get to the top of the ladder, but to tear the ladder down and bring everyone up with us.

We proudly endorse the Feminism for the 99% letter:

We reject the anti-Semitism, transphobia and misogyny expressed by Rev. Louis Farrakhan and call on Women's March co-organizer Tamika Mallory to join with other march leaders in repudiating the divisive politics that have undermined women's marches nationally. In this time of a rising fascist movement, we have to stand together against all forms of bigotry.

March with us to the Seattle Center at 9:00 AM, meeting up on the South side of Cal Anderson Park.

To build this and more, we need each and every one of you. Come learn with us at LOCATION TBD the next day, January 20th from 11:30 - 1pm.


-Universal healthcare for everyone regardless of immigration status
Free abortion on demand
Free contraception
Free, high quality, pregnancy care
Free gender affirming care
End violence and harassment for patients and providers at reproductive health clinics
Full funding for reproductive health clinics Now.

-Gender Equity and Reproductive Justice
Free and accessible 24/7 childcare
End forced sterilization
Repeal the Hyde amendment
End the racial gap in maternal mortality
End sexual harassment in the workplace
Strengthen and Enforce Title IX
Decriminalize sex work and end SESTA/FOSTA
Wages for housework
Paid parental leave
Restore full civil rights protection for all minority groups including trans people

-Economic Justice
Tax the Rich and Corporations to fully fund social programs
No Union busting “Right to Work” laws
Quality public education
Free public transit
End the ban on rent control

-Equal Justice and End Racism
Abolish Prisons
End all detention: no children in cages, no family separation
End to police brutality: indict killer cops
Clear backlog of rape kits

-End to US Imperialism
No border walls
Solidarity with all refugees, immigrants, and migrants
Defund the US military
Federal recognition of the Duwamish tribe
Indigenous liberation
Solidarity with Palestine

-Climate Justice
Pass the Green New Deal
End environmental racism and acknowledge that the most marginalized people in society will endure the greatest harm caused by climate change

End Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and trans/homophobia
Disability rights + expand ADA

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