San Antonio Study Group: Immigration, refugee caravan, US empire
3011 N Saint Mary's St
san antonio, TX 78212
United States
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The U.S. federal government is currently shut down as Trump continues to demand the construction of a militarized border wall and has stated he will continue the shut down until his demand for a wall is meet.
Rather than attack Trump for the racist nature of his demand, Democrats have called Trump's wall proposal "overly simplistic" and tried to treat immigration as an issue with much to "debate".
In spite of all their "debating" on immigration when it comes to foreign policy, there is broad bipartisan support for imperialism. Both ruling class parties agree there is nothing to debate when it comes to destabilizing other nations to extract natural resources and maintain cheap sources of labor.
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation for a discuss on the more muted, bipartisan foreign policies which disrupt societies and force people to flee insecurity in search of a more stable existence.