San Antonio Study Group: Capitalism’s Unnatural Disasters
3011 N Saint Mary's St
San Antonio, TX 78212
United States
Google map and directions
It has been just over a year since Hurricanes Harvey and Maria devastated Houston and Puerto Rico. To this day recovery efforts are still incomplete.
Today, the death toll caused by Hurricane Florence rose to 47 and reports of the environmental disasters caused by massive flooding continue to come in. The full extent of the damage is still unknown.
In the United States “evacuation plans” appear to primarily consist of officials going onto public media and announcing that people “must” evacuate. Those who are too poor to flee are left to weather the storm.
Meanwhile, the devastation, disease and crises caused by natural disaster are not problems, but opportunities, for the rich who seize at the chance to price gouge and further privatize public resources.
Can these environmental crises be challenged and solved within the framework of world capitalism? How do socialist countries prepare for necessary evacuations and go about recovery efforts?
Come discuss a socialist vision of sustainability, and how we can achieve it for the planet to survive.