Pittsburgh Socialist Feminist Study Group: Working to Survive

March 30, 2019 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Crazy Mocha Coffee Company
4525 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
United States
Google map and directions

How do revolutionary feminists define work, understand work, and relate work to structures of oppression in capitalist society?

Women work hard. We know that. But what does it really mean to work as women in capitalist society? Our class has nothing to sell but it’s labor power, and the value the capitalists extract is a driving force in society. This defines our relationship to work. We must work to survive under conditions of exploitation to benefit the drive for capitalist profit. The contradictions inherent to capitalism and the historical oppression of women in class society combine to define a particular experience of work.

Join the Pittsburgh branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation for a study group of our most recent issue of socialist feminist magazine Breaking the Chains, which explores the relationship between work and women under capitalism, and how we relate that to our struggle to liberate ourselves from the oppressive mantle of capitalist society.

This issue, entitled "Working to Survive, Struggling for Dignity" includes:
-A social reproduction theoretical framework for organizing
-A Marxist analysis of nonprofit workers in capitalist America
-An interview with domestic worker Sweetie Mae
... and much more!

Issues of the magazine will be available for use and for sale at this event--you do not have to have read it beforehand. No knowledge of socialism or Marxism is necessary to attend--we make sure our discussion is accessible to everyone.

A woman's place is in the struggle!
Women's and LGBTQ liberation now!
Unite to smash patriarchy and bigotry!

Scott Alexander Malec Libby Armstrong

Who's RSVPing

Scott Alexander Malec
Libby Armstrong

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