Pittsburgh Marxist study session - What is imperialism?
With the largest military budget in the world, the United States has become the largest empire in history. While the mid-20th century had, as a result of the rise of socialist bloc countries and anti-colonial national liberation movements aided by USSR and China, shifted towards fighting socialism rather than imperialist in-fighting, the collapse of the Soviet Union brought about an era of unbridled control by the capitalist class.
After two world wars and a century of conflict, Lenin's text "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism" has endured, and PSL's "Imperialism in the 21st Century" has sought to update that essential work to our own conditions. If we are to ask ourselves how we can stop the seemingly endless wars, we must first begin with the task of understanding the cause of those wars: imperialism.
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation as we study and discuss the contradictions of imperialism within our own era. Copies of our Party's publication, "Imperialism in The 21st Century" (which includes Lenin's original "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism"), will be available for use and purchase at this event.
You can also purchase a copy online here:
Class 1: Monopoly Capitlism and Lenin's Definition of Imperialism
Class 2: From Inter-Imperialist Conflict to Global Class War to the Unipolar Era
Class 3: The Fight Against Opportunism