Philadelphia - Socialism 101: Palestine & the Struggle Against US Imperialism
Socialism is being talked about everywhere: in the media, on the campaign trail, in schools, neighborhoods and workplaces. But what exactly is socialism?
Socialism means justice for people all over the world. As fighters for working and oppressed people in the most powerful empire in the world, socialists in the United States put a special emphasis on standing with our sisters and brothers in other countries fighting for freedom and the right to determine their own destiny.
The Palestinian people's resistance to Israeli colonialism and U.S. imperialism inspires people across the globe. This class in the Party for Socialism and Liberation's Socialism 101 series will focus on the latest developments in Palestine, explain what socialists mean by the term "imperialism", and analyze other acts of aggression by the U.S. government - such as the civil war in Syria.
Future classes include:
- Revolutionary history in the United States
- Elections: Democracy for who?