NYC Study Group: No Borders in the Women's Liberation Struggle!

August 20, 2017 at 3:00pm - 5pm
Justice Center en el Barrio
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
Google map and directions

President Trump made his disgusting and racist anti-immigrant stance a principal tenant of his campaign from the very start. Now 8 months into his presidency, he has fulfilled his promise of increasing the arrests and detentions of undocumented immigrants. His so-called "Muslim ban" was failure thanks to the hundreds of thousands of people who took the streets and the airports to protect those traveling from Muslim majority countries. He has promised to massively increase the aleady bloated ICE and DHS budgets, resulting in the continued hyper-militarization of these agencies and increased brutality against undocumented migrants attempting to cross the border. 

Immigration from oppressed and formerly colonized countries to the United States is caused by global capitalism and the imperialist conquest of labor and markets worldwide. At least three quarters of of all immigrants to the United States are women. A third of immigrant women work in low-wage service jobs and immigrant women make less than every other demographic including immigrant men and US-born men and women. The exploitation doesn't stop there. A 2006 UN report found that 60-70% of all women attempting to enter the US through Mexico are sexually assaulted. The connection between women's oppression, racist immigration policies, capitalism, and imperialism are unmistakeable.

Join us for an informative and critical discussion of women's liberation and the fight for immigrant's rights on Sunday August 20th at 3 PM!


image photo credit : Joe Catron

Alejandro La Torre Kathlene O'Loughlin Monica Cruz Dallas Mitchell Vincent Tsai Aya Salem Norman Clement

Who's RSVPing

Alejandro La Torre
Kathlene O'Loughlin
Monica Cruz
Dallas Mitchell
Vincent Tsai
Aya Salem
Norman Clement

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