NYC Liberation School: Immigration Issues in the U.S.
1637 Park Ave
new york, NY 10029
United States
Google map and directions
Come to Liberation School at the Justice Center in El Barrio on Sunday, 1/13/19 at 2:00 p.m.!
Open to all members of the Greater N.Y.C. community.
Also: Learn how to become involved in the struggle to defend the rights of all immigrants in the U.S.!
Article #1-
This article traces history of U.S. immigration policy from late 1700s to present. Particular emphasis would be placed on restrictions to immigration beginning in the 1880s. The presenter would also emphasize the "immigration reform"
from the Reagan Administration up to and including the Trump Administration.
Article #2-
The article highlights the myths and lies about immigrants entering the U.S. Discussion would focus on how this hurts the unity of the working class as the U.S. heads towards the next recession. We will make the link between the current period and previous periods of anti-immigrant hysteria in the
U.S.(particularly during the 1920s).
Article #3-
The article discusses the link between overall immigrant issues and the special oppression faced by immigrant women in our
capitalist/patriarchal society. Perhaps the recent deaths of two Guatemalan immigrant children at the hands of the U.S. Border Patrol can be brought into the discussion.