NYC Liberation School - Gentrification: Where It Comes From And How We Can Fight Back
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
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East Harlem is one of fourteen neighborhoods in New York City that Mayor De Blasio has slated for rezoning. Zoning is a set of laws that dictate how tall buildings can be, how they are built, and what they are used for. The proposal, as it stands, does not meet the needs of the neighborhood and has been vehemently rejected by the people of El Barrio.
Come join us in understanding how politicians accelerate gentrification and transform neighborhoods to profit the developers. How can we defend East Harlem from losing its essence as an affordable neighborhood for immigrants and low income people of color? Together, we will learn lessons from the past in order to help us move forward. Join organizers from the Justice Center en el Barrio as we study and fight together to preserve, protect, and defend East Harlem!