NYC - Eyewitness DNC: Perspectives on where the political revolution goes from here
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The Party for Socialism and Liberation invites you to this special event!
Eyewitness DNC: Perspectives on where the political revolution goes from here
Last week the Bernie Sanders campaign ended with protests, clashes and disruptions at the Democratic National Convention as thousands of protesters refused to call it quits on the political revolution. Many called for “DemExit” — a call for an exit from the Democratic Party and to not support Hillary Clinton, while others, including Sanders himself, called to close ranks to defeat Donald Trump.
But thousands of progressives aren't buying it. Despite positioning herself as the candidate of the oppressed, Clinton's track record is one of destruction, deportation and war, from promoting mass incarceration to working to wipe out welfare and interventions in Iraq, Libya and Syria.
Come hear from PSL activists who joined protests and spoke with Bernie Sanders activists all week in Philadelphia outside the DNC. We will also be joined by and hear from Sihem Mellah, a New Jersey organizer for Bernie Sanders, and Jessica Frisco, a Bernie Sanders delegate from Manhattan, on where the movement goes from here.
**ALSO: A tribute to Assata Shakur**
July 16th marked Assata Shakur’s birthday. Assata is a revolutionary socialist woman warrior who has worked and sacrificed tirelessly in the Black Liberation struggle. Black Lives Matter activists have been wearing "Assata Taught Me" t-shirts because she personifies the long tradition of uncompromising women heroes in the struggle. Because of their internationalism and revolutionary politics, Assata, the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army, were centrally targeted by FBI's counter-intelligence program. Now living in exile in Cuba, her name was in recent years added the U.S. terrorist watch list. But for millions of Black people and other revolutionaries, Assata is revered and beloved — not a terrorist! Come find out why.