NYC- Breaking the Chains of Poverty: Women's Study Group
Why are women so poor even though they work so hard? As the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, women are hit hardest by the exploitation and violence of capitalism. Women make up majority of the low-wage workforce in the US and face the epidemic of sexism, racism, and violence in the workplace. As the women’s movement gears up to fight against President Trump’s anti-worker, sexist, racist, and xenophobic agenda, the ties between women's oppression and poverty cannot be ignored.
Beyond exposing how poverty impacts women through economic and sexual violence, we will discuss poverty as a necessary product of capitalism’s need for profit and juxtapose this reality with socialism. Under socialism, basic human needs like free healthcare, education, and affordable housing would be guaranteed for all. Poverty, homelessness, and hunger would be eliminated.
Join us for an informative and critical discussion of women's liberation and the fight to end poverty on Sunday July 23rd at 3 PM!