NYC: Black August, George Jackson and the Black Liberation Struggle Today

August 19, 2016 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Justice Center en el Barrio
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
Google map and directions

Join us for two special presentations
- Julien Terrell, organizer with Harlem's Brotherhood Sister Sol
- Charles Barron, State Assemblyman from East New York, former Black Panther

Every year, the Black freedom movement and activists for prisoners' rights commemorate the month of August — "Black August" — to honor the fallen warriors and demand the freedom of political prisoners. The tradition began because on Aug. 21, 1971, heroic Black Panther writer, thinker and Field Marshall George Jackson was assassinated by San Quentin prison guards. Jackson's death led to the Attica prison uprising two weeks later.

On Aug. 19, come to Liberation Forum to hear perspectives from Julien Terrell of Brotherhood Sister Sol, an organization that is on the front lines of youth organizing against unemployment, MTA fair hikes and police harassment. The NYPD issues an average of 7,000 summons per day. This plays out in the everyday harassment, bullying and incarceration of poor people with the NYPD targeting Black and Brown youth. After a fight back movement against "stop and frisk," now "fare theft" has become a leading cause of arrest in New York City. Terrell will share movement strategies to organize the youth, including the exciting new "Swipe It Forward" campaign.

We are proud to also host former Black Panther and Brooklyn-based Assemblyman Charles Barron. Barron has been consistent voice for the victims who have been killed in his district of East New York, an advocate for tenant rights, and has used his platform in Albany to call for the freedom of political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim, still held in New York state prison. Assemblyman Barron will address ongoing resistance to police terror, and the need to organize a powerful movement inside New York City's most oppressed communities.

Join us Aug. 19 to commemorate Black August! 

The words of George Jackson, reflecting on the need for revolutionary organization inside the United States, still ring true today: "We are on the inside [of the Empire.] We have a momentous historical role to act out if we will."

Amina Grant Anna Rebrii Tiffany Wheatland Henry Cames David Havranek Ellie Ommani Gabriele De Souza Harry King Brooke Cerda Guzmán Ben Becker Elizabeth Birriel Daniel Shaw Mike Chrisemer Erick Moreno Karla Reyes Monica Cruz Brendan O'Brien John Beacham Josselyn Atahualpa Andrew Sinuon Paul Wilcox Dariella Rodriguez Cassie Regan Cathy Rojas Sapphira Lurie paul sliker Maureen Silverman Chris Ruiz Sasha Murphy Sofia Dadap Colia Clark Juan Peralta Yanina Calderon Madeline A. Rosario

Who's RSVPing

Amina Grant
Anna Rebrii
Tiffany Wheatland
Henry Cames
David Havranek
Ellie Ommani
Gabriele De Souza
Harry King
Brooke Cerda Guzmán
Ben Becker
Elizabeth Birriel
Daniel Shaw
Mike Chrisemer
Erick Moreno
Karla Reyes

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