NYC Liberation Forum: A woman's place is in the struggle!
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
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How the Vietnamese Defeated U.S. Imperialism
41 years ago, the U.S. imperialist war machine was defeated and forced to withdraw from Vietnam. In recognition of the steadfastness and unity of the Vietnamese people, Che Guevera exclaimed: “We must create two, three…many Vietnams. That is the watchword.” How did a super-exploited, largely peasant nation defeat the most powerful military in history? Join us to hear from Rachel Silang who will chart the path of the Vietnamese victory which was a victory for oppressed people across the world.
A woman's place is in the struggle!
More than ever, we need a strong movement to confront and crush patriarchy. There can be no liberation for women under the present system of capitalism. The PSL works to unite all oppressed women in the common struggle against misogyny. Come here a presentation by Karina Garcia on socialism and women's liberation. Karina will address Hillary Clinton's track record as an imperialist, not a feminist, the trans liberation movement and how revolutionaries organize against every day, sexist oppression.