NY: Honoring Fred Hampton's Legacy | Analyzing Venezuela's Elections
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Join the PSL for our bi-weekly public forum where we talk about local, national, and international topics and news.
This week's topics:
Election in Venezuela: What does it mean?
The US's economic, political, diplomatic, terrorist and media war against Venezuela is ongoing. Imperialism is not satisfied with the right wing electoral victory; they want to rout and smash the revolution. The question before the movement here in the US is how we can we continue to defend Venezuela? Despite its electoral defeat, the governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) retains a strong mass base, the presidency and other important positions, and has vowed to continue the struggle.
Join us as we go more in depth about the current situation and history of the Bolivarian Revolution.
The Legacy of Fred Hampton
Fred Hampton, young revolutionary leader of the Black Panther Party in Chicago, was assassinated by the police on Dec. 4, 1969. This was part of a larger wave of repression launched by the FBI known as "COINTELPRO." The militancy and defiance of young revolutionary leaders like Fred Hampton impacted the Civil Rights and socialist movements and scared the capitalist state to its core.
Come join us in a discussion about the lessons we can learn for the struggle against racism and national oppression through the life of Fred Hampton!