New Haven Forum: Grad Teachers Fight Back + Pride in Resistance!
Join us for this Liberation Forum!
Special guest speaker Nica Siegel is a PhD student in political science at Yale University and an organizer for Local 33 UNITE HERE, the graduate teacher’s union.
Graduate teachers and researchers at Yale won a massive victory in February when eight departments voted to unionize, but Yale has challenged them at every step. Even with a $25 billion endowment, the university refuses to address concerns about child care, sexual harassment, healthcare and more. In April, eight Local 33 members began an indefinite fast on Wall Street, just outside President Salovey’s office. Backed by students, faculty, other unions and New Haven community groups, Local 33 has kept fighting. Join us to hear about the struggle and what the New Haven community can do to support Local 33 going forward.
PLUS: Pride in Resistance!
Capitalism is not serving the LGBTQ community. It has taken decades to win the most basic rights to live free from bigotry and discrimination, and those right are under attack. An overwhelming number of LGBTQ people are part of the working class, and face all the same problems of other workers: constant economic insecurity, stagnant wages, cutbacks, rising rents, and temporary work (which is 94 percent of all new jobs). A fighting people’s movement in the streets could do much more than defend what has already been won - it could formulate a new program for the country that addresses the needs of tens of millions, not the greed of millionaires, and force that program into reality.