New Haven Forum: Clinton & Trump - Enemies of Poor & Working People!
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New Haven, CT 06511
United States
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The 2016 Presidential election season has unfolded like no other recent election. As the gap between Clinton and Sanders widens, the Democratic Party’s rhetoric about voting for the “lesser evil” candidate has become more and more aggressive. But is Hillary Clinton a friend to working and poor people? Her track record suggests otherwise: a clear ally of Wall Street and the Pentagon, Clinton’s crimes against the peoples of Libya, Honduras, Haiti - and the United States - for the benefit of capitalist bosses show that she is not a progressive candidate.
On the Republican side, Donald Trump’s vile and racist rhetoric has prompted protests everywhere he goes. From California to Albuquerque to Hartford, Trump’s American-style fascism is rightly being answered by mass resistance. What does a Trump candidacy mean for the people of the United States and the rest of the world? Where does Trump’s support come from? These are critical questions that progressive and revolutionary people must understand in order to fight capitalism.
Most importantly, no matter what results of the elections, we must be ready to defend our gains and our rights through mass militant struggle. A new world is possible! Join us to talk about the 2016 elections and movements beyond.