New Haven: Speakout for International Women's Day!
College Street & Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06511
United States
Google map and directions
Now is the time for standing up and fighting back. Trump’s agenda is targeting all of our communities. Between trying to defund Planned Parenthood, attacking trans rights, scapegoating Muslims, and deporting undocumented immigrants, Trump is threatening the rights of all working-class people.
On March 8th, International Women's Day, women across the world are standing up and fighting back against Trump’s attacks. This year, IWD marks a day filled with protests against Trump’s attacks on women’s rights. Many working class people are also planning to strike in solidarity with Day without a Woman.
Join us on March 8th at 5:30 at the corner of College and Chapel St in New Haven for a speakout and rally against Trump’s bigoted, sexist, racist and xenophobic agenda. Bring your signs, friends and voices! See you there!
[email protected]