Liberation Forum: End Gun Violence, Disarm the Police!

April 06, 2018 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Justice Center en El Barrio
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
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End Gun Violence, Disarm the Police!

Join us on April 6th as we discuss the recent student movements fighting against gun violence, and discuss a socialist perspective on ending gun violence. Come hear from high school student organizer Ruby Noboa in the Bronx who have been on the front lines of the movement to end gun violence in their neighborhoods. Ruby is a passionate activist on a number of issues ranging from gun violence to trans rights, and is planning on continuing to organize other students to action. 

We will be speaking on the ongoing organizing efforts in Sacramento demanding Justice for Stephon Clark and discuss how police brutality and gun violence are connected and must be fought against.

Additionally, we will discuss the recent reorganization of Trump's cabinet. The changes to Trump's cabinet have caused the U.S. to have a foreign policy shift and increase its war drive towards Russia. Join us as we discuss how to build a movement that stands against military intervention.

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