LA Forum: The Battle Against Police Terror // Capitalism in Crisis from Brexit to Oaxaca
A wave of massive, disruptive protests have swept the country in response to the brutal, televised murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. As politicians scramble to catch up to public opinion by pandering to the movement their militarized police have been unleashed on protesters in Louisiana and Minnesota with the assistance of the FBI in an attempt to silence the communities rising up against racist police terror. The movement has continued unabated with marches, freeway shutdowns, occupations, and more. Join us for up to date discussion of the developing fight back.
The Brexit vote and the determined fight back of workers in Paris and Oaxaca are all signs of growing crisis in the capitalist system built on decades of austerity. The surprise outcome of the Brexit vote has left Britain divided as the economy reels from the implications of Britain leaving the European Union and right-wing attacks against refugees and immigrants spike. As Britain votes to leave the EU, French workers struggle against the EU-backed El Khomri labor reform law with a wave of strikes. In Oaxaca, teachers and their allies have mounted resistance against the brutal repression and murder of labor and community organizers. Join us for discussion on these important international developments.
Red and Purple Line to Wilshire/Vermont Station. Limited parking on Westmoreland and 8th.