LA Liberation School: The Future of Venezuela
2936 W 8th St
Los Angeles, CA 90005
United States
Google map and directions
Since the victory of the right-wing forces in National Assembly elections last month in Venezuela the PSUV and their allies have organized with the masses of pro-Bolivarian people to strengthen the direct democratic control of the working people in society including the establishment of People's Parliaments, the transfer of TeleSUR to the workers, and declarations by broad sectors of the military of loyalty to the aims of socialist construction.
As the political battle unfolds the world economy, sanctions, and economic sabotage helped to push Venezuela into a more precarious economic position than in past years. Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation at a Liberation School class to discuss the future of Venezuela's revolutionary process.
*What has the right-wing done so far to undermine the revolutionary process?
*How does the United States and the global economy impact the developing situation in Venezuela?
*How has the revolutionary process put increasing power into the hands of working people and how can it continue this process?
Limited parking on Westmoreland/8th. Red and Purple line to Wilshire/Vermont stateion.
Email [email protected] for more information.