LA Forum: PSL Debates the Debates | Eyewitness Nogales
While the media takes razor sharp focus on the personal scandals of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, from cocaine and tax dodging to pandering on Wall Street, a plethora of information about what the candidates intend to do if elected has been unveiled in a series of Presidential and Vice Presidential debates over the last three weeks.
Trump's pathetic attempts to defend blatant misogyny and sexual assault have been turned into deeper praise for Clinton's brand of 'feminism' as the mass media and ruling class seems to unite squarely around her. On the other hand, Trump has made unprecedented remarks during the debates, including threatening Clinton with jail over her emails and holding a press conference to scandalize Bill Clinton as a rapist.
Buried under all of this has been an alarming politics of repression and war from both candidates. Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation for a discussion on what exactly is being said at these debates and a critical socialist analysis of their politics and its potential impact on the conditions of working and poor people around the world.
This weekend hundreds of people from the U.S. and Mexico converged at the border in Nogales for a series of actions and workshops demanding an end to the militarization of the border, justice for victims of border patrol, and a stop to the rampant xenophobia and bigoted violence unleashed over the past year thanks to the demogoguery of Trump. The weekend was meant to build as an expansion of the anti-imperialist struggle in the spirit of international solidarity. Members of the PSL Los Angeles branch traveled and participated in the events, including a march across the border in Sonora for Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, a teenager murdered by Border Patrol.
Join us for an eyewitness account and visual presentation.
Limited parking on Westmoreland/8th. Red and Purple line to Wilshire/Vermont Station.