LA Forum: Assata Shakur and the Struggle for Freedom
The story of freedom fighter, revolutionary socialist Assata Shakur and her escape from prison to Cuba that dodged the crosshairs of the FBI’s COINTELPRO has erected a legacy and galvanized many to stand up and join the struggle for freedom in the United States.
Today she continues to inspire masses of young revolutionaries to fight for a better world, with her infamous words “it is our duty to fight for our freedom, it is our duty to win” concluding countless demonstrations against police violence and discrimination in this country and across the globe.
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation as we uplift the legacy of Assata Shakur in a commemorative event featuring video clips of interviews from the late 90’s and excerpts from her renown autobiography. Hear presentations on the following topics:
Racism and Police Terror: Mass incarceration and racist police violence are two very heavy burdens on the backs of the Black community today, hear an analysis of the movement from political activists underscored by excerpts from “Assata: An Autobiography” and “The Black Panthers Speak”.
International Solidarity and the Fight to Free Palestine: The is very strong solidarity between the occupied, resilient people of Palestine and the movement for Black Lives. Assata Shakur and the Black Panther Party made international solidarity a major priority for in the fight against imperialism. Hear an update on Gaza and what you can do to support to liberation of Palestine.
Cuba and a People’s Socialist Revolution: Assata is not behind bars today because she was granted political asylum in Cuba, watch interviews where she accounts living under socialism in Cuba. There will also be a discussion lead by activists who have traveled to the region.
For more details, email us at [email protected] or call 323.285.6545