LA Film showing: Salt of the Earth
The struggle for rights on the job has escalated significantly in the past 30 years, continuing to today, where workers still suffer crippling low wages, high living costs, job insecurity, the growing dominance of part-time work and the head-on attacks on union rights. Workers' fightback has been there from the beginning, and today is no exception.
However daunting continuing our resistance and the defense of our rights may seem, it stems from an inspiring history which must be told, shared and studied.
One key struggle was the Empire Zinc Strike carried out by Native American and Latino workers in New Mexico in 1951. Salt of the Earth tells that story and was consequently blacklisted in McCarthyist America. It has the distinction of being the only film to ever be banned in the U.S. The mine workers' strike should inspire us today, as well as the filmmakers who lost their careers in the McCarthyist witch hunt. Join us Friday, January 5th for a screening of Salt of the Earth and a discussion on the workers' movement today.
Red and Purple line to Wilshire/Vermont Station. Limited parking on Westmoreland/8th. A parking attendant will be available to assist as needed.