Registration Payment - Albuquerque 2019 Eco Socialism Conference
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For the Earth to Live, Capitalism Must End!
The clock is ticking. The enormous dangers of rapid climate change and ecological devastation must be reversed as a matter of survival.
At the present rate of emissions, out-of-control climate change will catapult global average temperatures so high that it will usher in a period of irreversible environmental crisis within the lifetime of many people alive today. The accelerating problems can already be seen: melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice, disappearing glaciers, devastating droughts, species extinction, ocean acidification.
There are other severe environmental crisis that represent grave threats: contamination of air, pollution of drinking water used by millions of people, wholesale destruction of forests and biodiversity, degradation of soil and the world’s agricultural lands.
The wealthy will use their money to escape the consequences, and working people and the poor will be left to suffer. The developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, responsible for a tiny fraction of global emissions, will face the worst impact!