Detroit Socialism Forum: Strategies to Save the Planet & the People!

December 01, 2018 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Purdy-Kresge Library
5265 Cass Ave
Room 144
Detroit, MI 48202
United States
Google map and directions

Environmental Destruction, World War 3, White Supremacy, Capitalist Crisis ... End the Dictatorship of the Billionaires!

Dec. 1 Socialism Forum: Strategies to Save the Planet & the People with special guest speaker John BeachamAnswer Chicago coordinator, co-host of Crashing the System Podcast and founding member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation - PSL

Why: We must and will build socialism, and build it now, in order to solve the many looming crises confronting the people and planet.

What: Join us to discuss and plan how we can organize to defeat capitalism and achieve socialism. Only socialism can provide the basis of averting climate collapse, World War 3 and the many threats and dangers we must and will overcome.


1. The next capitalist crisis, the resurgence of white supremacy and waging a war on poverty
2. The world's greatest refugee and immigration "crisis" in history: causes and solutions
3. Stopping Imperialism and World War 3
4. Climate crisis: 12 year deadline for a socialist revolution

$5 donation requested. No one turned away for lack of funds

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