Denver Study Group: Housing is a Women's Issue

January 11, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8pm

While all workers face difficulties securing affordable and adequate housing this burden falls heavily on women, the primary caregivers of children and homes in our society. Of all 50 states, Colorado has the 7th greatest number of homeless families with children. Women are the fastest growing group of the entire homeless population. All the while, millions of homes owned by wealthy investors are vacant across the country.

This housing crisis is one of capitalism's many contradictions. Under capitalism, housing is not treated as a fundamental human right but instead the right of landlords, real estate developers and bankers to profit from-- at our expense.

At the center of the housing struggle are working class women, specifically women of color, who are at a higher risk of housing insecurity, due to discriminatory housing policies and income disparities.

Join us for a discussion on how the housing crisis impacts the lives of working class women and our struggle for quality affordable housing. We'll read together from issues of Breaking the Chains magazine, a volunteer-created publication that offers a socialist perspective on women's liberation. No prior reading necessary.

The meeting space is ADA accessible, children are welcome, and childcare is available.


JOIN THE FIGHT FOR RENTERS' RIGHTS! This event is part of a campaign to advance the struggle for housing justice in Colorado.

January 11: Study Group - Housing is a Women's Issue

January 18: Study Group - The Real, Radical Legacy of Dr. King


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