DC - Join the Fightback: Trump and the Rise of Fascism, Sanders and the Prospects for Socialism

March 11, 2016 at 7:00pm - 10pm

Trump's open appeal to white supremacy has led to a surge in fascist organizing. But Wall Street Banksters and the Democratic Party bosses aim all their fire at the Bernie Sanders, who is demanding free education and affordable health care for all.

Join the discussion. Hear a socialist analysis about the connection between the big banks, capitalism and fascism and how we can build a new movement for socialism and equality right here and right now! 


Featured Speaker: Brian Becker, a leading member of the Party for Socialism & Liberation

Eugene Puryear Noah Hughes-Dunn Heather Benno Katy Lang Nicole Roussell Natasha Persaud Rachel Hu Sunil Freeman Radhika Singh Julia Rapp Brian Becker

Who's RSVPing

Eugene Puryear
Noah Hughes-Dunn
Heather Benno
Katy Lang
Nicole Roussell
Natasha Persaud
Rachel Hu
Sunil Freeman
Radhika Singh
Julia Rapp
Brian Becker

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