DC Forum: Flint Water Crisis - This is What Austerity Looks Like

January 29, 2016 at 7:00pm - 10pm

Roger Scott:
Flint, MI native, Union organizer with AFSCME Local 2401

Highly poisonous, corrosive tap water has become synonymous with Flint, Mich., over the past few weeks, as images of the rust-yellow water spread across the news and social media. While CNN described the resulting political “blame game,” to the people of Flint and of Michigan, the game has already been won by callous and over-zealous budget cuts; from every angle, the corroded pipes have “austerity” stamped on them.

The community will also be featuring a screening of "Undrinkable," a documentary made by high school students in Flint and their teacher, Randy Scott (the brother of the featured speaker), about the water crisis.

Join the PSL on Friday, January 29 for a Community Forum discussion with Roger Scott, a Flint native, on the origins of the water crisis and what the people of Flint are doing to fight back against austerity.

For more information, contact the Party for Socialism & Liberation at 202-234-2828 or [email protected].

Norma Esthela Garcia Nadia Marsh Adwoa Masozi Shanita Rasheed Brown Mike Bento Jessie Farine Heather Benno Derek Ford Natasha Persaud Sean Blackmon Sunil Freeman Roger Scott Radhika Singh John Beacham Andrew Sia Mike Wang Julia Rapp Melba Conway Joel Gallegos Walter Smolarek Yari Osorio

Who's RSVPing

Norma Esthela Garcia
Nadia Marsh
Adwoa Masozi
Shanita Rasheed Brown
Mike Bento
Jessie Farine
Heather Benno
Derek Ford
Natasha Persaud
Sean Blackmon
Sunil Freeman
Roger Scott
Radhika Singh
John Beacham
Andrew Sia
Mike Wang
Julia Rapp
Melba Conway
Joel Gallegos
Walter Smolarek
Yari Osorio

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