DC Forum: Eyewitness North Korea And Legacies of the Korean War
Christine Hong :
Assistant Professor of transnational Asian American, Korean diaspora, and critical Pacific Rim studies at UC-Santa Cruz, and an executive board member of the Korea Policy Institute
Tom Esbrook:
D.C.-area progressive activist who visited North Korea in October 2015 during the anniversary of the formation of the Workers' Party
Millions of people in the United States woud like to see a new U.S. policy towards North Korea. Instead of endless hostility, threats of war and harsh economic sanctions, it is time to sign a peace treaty ending the war between the United States and the DPRK once and for all, and to normalize relations.
How can that be achieved? What is the legacy of the Korean War and how does that impact U.S./South Korea/North Korea relations today? How do we break through the racist demonization of North Korea presented by the U.S. government and the corporate media?
Join us to:
-Learn about Legacies of the Korean War, a new online oral-history project that documents the stories of Korean American survivors of the war and their descendants
-Hear an eyewitness account, and see photographs and videos depciting what North Korea is really like-as opposed to the racist demonization presented by the media
For more information, contact the Party for Socialism & Liberation at 202-234-2828 or [email protected].