DC Forum - The Fight for $15 and the Verizon Strike: Labor's Growing Fight Back
May 20, 2016 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Labor is fighting back — from the Verizon Strike to the fight for a $15/hr minimum wage to the organizing among low-wage workers at Walmart, McDonalds and beyond, it is clear that working people are standing up to underpay, poor working conditions and job insecurity.
Join the PSL for a report on new developments in the labor and low-wage workers’ movement, including:
-What are the prospects for improving living conditions?
-How does the labor fightback relate to the struggle against racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ bigotry and other forms of bigotry?
-How can labor and low-wage workers organize to win?
For more information, contact the Party for Socialism & Liberation
202-234-2828 | [email protected] | PSLweb.org