DC Black History Month Community Forum: A New Generation Revisits the Black Radical Tradition
The Black liberation movement and its fight for freedom is intensifying in the face of racist police terror, mass incarceration, gentrification and job discrimination. Earlier this year in Philadelphia, a conference titled "Reclaiming our Future: The Black Radical Tradition in our Time" took place, bringing together leading Black radical intellectuals, activists, artists, pastors and thinkers from from the 1960s and 1970s to the present-day Black Lives Matter movement. The conference raised socialism as the clear alternative to the capitalist system.
Join us for a presentation and discussion. The Meeting will feature:
- An exciting report back from the Black Radical Tradition Conference
- The often-suppressed history of Black radical leadership in the freedom struggle
- How necessary it is to revive this legacy today in the face of continuing police terror, mass incarceration, job discrimination and environmental racism
- Can Black liberation be won under capitalism?
For more information, contact the Party for Socialism and Liberation: 202-234-2828- [email protected] PSLweb.org