CT: The struggle for Black liberation and socialism - New Haven forum
608 Whitney Ave
New Haven, CT 06511
United States
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**Special guest speaker Lia Miller-Granger of Black Lives Matter New Haven**
Following the murders of Alton Sterlin and Philando Castile, the Movement for Black Lives is again rising up against the unrestrained and unchecked terror of police departments across the country. 1,000 people in New Haven shuting down the Broadway area joined tens of thousands across the country protesting these crimes against the people.
Join this forum for a special presentation by Lia Miller-Granger of Black Lives Matter New Haven on the important work being done in the wake of these police killings. We will also discuss the critical question: "Where do we go from here?" and analyze why socialism - a system built based on the needs of the people - is the only way to end racist police terror.