Chicago: Socialism, Democracy, Revolution - Discuss, Strategize and Organize
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Socialism. Jobs, Education, Healthcare, Justice and Equality for all and more. Will it work? Is it the antidote for 30+ years of destructive neo-liberal austerity and war? Massive tax cuts for the rich, billions in budget cuts and trillions on endless war have only created more misery. Post-cold war capitalist policies, instead of leading to a new shining epoch, have utterly failed. The population is restive--we can see that in the election campaign. We need new answers from a new generation. We need them now.
Democracy. We need real power over our lives. The rule of the billionaires isn't working. For example: Environmental collapse. Economic crash, starved schools and devastated neighborhoods. Mass Incarceration. Middle East crisis. How can we get real democracy that works for everyone and not just the .01 percent?
Revolution. We need real change--for our children, for the planet, for us. We need an end to police brutality, an end to hatred and violence against Muslims and Immigrants, and an end to corporate run elections and wars for empire. We need a new system.
We can win. But in order to win, we must be organized. Join the struggle for socialism!
Join us for two sessions, starting at 1 pm. We will have presentations and lots of time for discussion, strategizing and organizing. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. $5 donation. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Session 1: 1 pm
The Rebirth of Social Movements in the United States
(1) Black Lives Matter and the Struggle against Racism in the United States
(2) Fighting Trump and the rise of anti-Immigrant neo-fascism
(3) Where is the Bernie Sanders movement headed?
(4) To Save the Environment, Capitalism Must Die!
Session 2: 2:45 pm
Building the Movement for Socialism: Discussion and Brainstorming
(1) Socialist tactics in a time of anti-capitalist revival: what does it mean to build power for the people?
(2) Is another capitalist economic crisis looming?
(3) The New Cold War between United States and Russia: Can we have peace under capitalism?
(4) Brain storming strategies to build the movement for Socialism