Chicago: Korea Peace; Laquan; Trump at UN - Fall Socialism Forums #1
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation for the first in a series of fall Saturday night socialism forums. We'll have great presentations, lots of discussion and socializing after each forum!
Topics for Forum #1:
** Korea Peace: In a major development, North and South Korea are moving toward peace together. What will be the response of U.S. imperialism which has maintained a colonial dominance over the south for over sixty years? How can we help support the people of Korea?
** Get an update from the Jason Van Dyke trial and discuss the current stage of the movement against racist police terror in the United States
** Trump's recent speech and bullying at the United Nations general assembly was disgusting and laughable. We'll discuss the significance from a socialist and anti-imperialist perspective
$5 Donation requested. We'll have music, conversation and drinks after the forum. Beer and wine will be available for a small donation.