Chicago Forum: DNC corruption scandal, anti-Russia hysteria & the political revolution

July 30, 2016 at 6:00pm - 9pm

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The DNC e-mail leaks, which prove that the Democratic primary was rigged, is a huge scandal. Incredibly, the Clinton campaign has teamed up with all the major media outlets to turn the DNC corruption scandal into a Russian attack on U.S. democracy. You can't make this stuff up!

At the same time, Bernie Sanders has gone all out to persuade his movement to squash its dreams and subordinate itself to the DNC machine dominated by the despised war criminal Hillary Clinton.

So what happens now? How can we continue to build the revolution that the people of this country and the world badly need? Is a vote for a third party candidate really a vote for Trump?

Also: Hear an important historical report on the anniversary of the July 26, 1953 attack on the Moncada Barracks led by Fidel Castro that helped spark the Cuban Revolution. Fidel will be 90 on August 13.

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Sara Brooks Hope Asya John Beacham Ana Santoyo Jim Rudd Andrew Fink Patrick McWilliams

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Sara Brooks
Hope Asya
John Beacham
Ana Santoyo
Jim Rudd
Andrew Fink
Patrick McWilliams

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