Chicago: BTC - The Struggle for Women's Healthcare & Trans Remembrance Day
Join us for a discussion of the latest issue of “Breaking the Chains: A Socialist Perspective on Women’s Liberation”.This issue of Breaking the Chains identifies health care as a feminist issue. We examine at length how the intensity of the sexism, misogyny and bigotry woven into capitalist society means that capitalist health care has particular significance for all women in the United States. We address head on how people’s movements throughout history have fought for quality health care drawing from the experiences for Cuba, the Soviet Union and revolutionary Black Panther and Young Lords parties.
Talks will include:
***Trans Remembrance Day
***Socialist Healthcare vs. Capitalist Healthcare
**Struggle for Reproductive Right, Not a Single Issue
...and More!
$5 donation, no one turned away for lack of funds. We will have beer and wine for a small donation after the meeting.