Free Chelsea Manning Contingent at Sacramento Pride!
Join the
Free Chelsea ManningContingent
at Sacramento Pride!
Sat. June 4th, 9:30am 3rd & N Streets
-Free Chelsea Manning now!
-Full equality for all LGBTQ people!
-Protect whistle blowers and end war!
March with us to demand liberation for Chelsea Manning and all LGBTQ people!
We march to keep the struggle alive and celebrate the accomplishments of the LGBTQ rights struggle! The community has won many victories, like the Marriage Equality Act, through struggle. But LGBTQ people are still discriminated against based on their gender and sexual orientation, especially Transgender people.
Who is Chelsea Manning and why is she important?
Chelsea Manning is a US Army soldier currently imprisoned for releasing hundreds of thousands of documents on the military and diplomatic activities of the US government and its atrocities around the world. Among these documents were video evidence of US military forces committing war crimes against the civilian populations of Iraq and Afghanistan. For blowing the whistle on these and other crimes perpetrated by our government, Manning was charged with violations of the 1917 Espionage Act and sentenced to 35 years imprisonment at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
The documents revealed the duplicity and brutality of US government actions that it carried out under the cover of a “war on terrorism”. Chelsea Manning acted in the finest tradition of US whistleblowers like Daniel Ellsberg, who put a spotlight on US crimes in Vietnam by releasing the top-secret “Pentagon Papers”.
Chelsea Manning is also a trans woman. Today, transgender people’s legal rights are under attack in many states, and they face severe violence on a daily basis in every state.
The call to free Chelsea Manning is not only about the liberation of one LGBTQ person, but also a reminder of the need to fight for all!
Contact us at (916) 572-9680 to join, or endorse, the Free Chelsea Manning Contingent now!
Co-sponsored by the Peace & Freedom Party and the Gloria La Riva for President campaign.
Endorsed by the Party for Socialism & Liberation; Women Organized to Resist and Defend.