Breaking the Chains Launch Party! (Albuquerque)

November 26, 2016 at 5:00pm - 7pm

Celebrate with the PSL as it launches its brand new magazine: Breaking the Chains: A Socialist Perspective on Women’s Liberation

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is pleased to release its first ever women’s magazine, a magazine created for and by progressive and revolutionary women. The publication reflects the times we live in and provides a forward looking analysis steeped in continued struggle against injustice and revolutionary change. 

Distinguishing itself among political literature, the magazine includes poetry, art, interviews, biographies, theory, and arguments as well as a sharp political perspective of unity and struggle embedded throughout each piece. 

Be among the first to get your copy at a launch party hosted by the PSL! Or online at

Nathalie Hrizi Bex Hampton Maya Oliveros-Orozco Joel Gallegos Mick Eddings Gloria Rebar Victoria Miera Jaen Ugalde Anabelle Helsell Gabriel Chavira Marcus Nells Acacia Sanchez James Friedman Paige Murphy Chris Banks Katie Barr Karina Rodgers Katie Bernhardt Kayla Willcoxson Marissa Sanchez

Who's RSVPing

Nathalie Hrizi
Bex Hampton
Maya Oliveros-Orozco
Joel Gallegos
Mick Eddings
Gloria Rebar
Victoria Miera
Jaen Ugalde
Anabelle Helsell
Gabriel Chavira
Marcus Nells
Acacia Sanchez
James Friedman
Paige Murphy
Chris Banks
Katie Barr
Karina Rodgers
Katie Bernhardt
Kayla Willcoxson
Marissa Sanchez

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