Boston: Dennis Banks Presente! A Life of struggle for Native Liberation
The passing of Dennis Banks, a true people’s hero, is a monumental loss for the ongoing fight for social justice and an end to US empire. Dennis was a co-founder if the American Indian Movement in 1968 and fought tirelessly for self-determination for Native people in the US for his entire life, including participation in the Water Protector movement at Standing Rock. We will be hearing from a guest speaker, a fellow Native revolutionary and Water Protector Norm Momowetu Clement, who will sum up Bank's revolutionary life and the continuing struggle for Native Liberation and respect for Native sovereignty.
In the second part of this forum we will discuss the LGBTQiA struggle today from a revolutionary Marxist perspective, honing in on the importance and significance of Trans Day of Rememberance within the broader struggle against capitalist hetero-patriarchy.
Bathrooms are gender neutral.
Encuentro 5 is not wheelchair accessible.
Food and drinks will be provided free of charge.
If childcare is needed, please contact us prior to arrival at least 2 days in advance so we can prepare necessary accommodations.
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