Asheville: Marxist Economics 101 Profits – The Unpaid Wages Of The Working-Class!
During this workshop we will answer the following questions, and many others:
• How does your boss make their profit?
• What creates value?
• What is a commodity?
• Why do we have currency and trade?
• Are the unemployed and unable to work part of the working-class?
Marxists believe that the laboring masses make society run, so that means that we CAN and should control the government. We pay the bills of our bosses and employers, NOT the other way around.
Without the working-class the service industry would shut down because of there being no one to cook, prep, serve, re-stock, or sell the products. We are a necessary part of the machine, but are the owners?
Free Food and Free Winter Wear will be provided.
Location: Pack Memorial Library,
Downstairs in the activity room.
When: Monday December 4th, from 1-3pm
Contact us: [email protected] (828)365-8163