ABQ Marxism & Feminism Study group

October 15, 2016 at 12:00pm - 2pm

Join the PSL to read about the history of women's oppression and its relationship to capitalism. This week we will be reading chapter 1 from Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.

Fabiha Sabin Jill Jurkiewicz James Friedman Bex Hampton Sylvia Grass Paige Murphy Chris Banks Gloria Rebar Lisa Santillanes Ben Imbus Hotvlkuce Harjo Marissa Sanchez Vanessa Bowen

Who's RSVPing

Fabiha Sabin
Jill Jurkiewicz
James Friedman
Bex Hampton
Sylvia Grass
Paige Murphy
Chris Banks
Gloria Rebar
Lisa Santillanes
Ben Imbus
Hotvlkuce Harjo
Marissa Sanchez
Vanessa Bowen

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