ABQ Emergency Action! Say NO to U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela!
2301 Central Ave NE
albuquerque, NM 87106
United States
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The U.S. government is aggressively pushing forward its attempts to promote and facilitate a right-wing coup in Venezuela. Today, President Donald Trump recognized the opposition leader, Juan Guaido, a member of the far-right Popular Will party and the leader of the illegally constituted National Assembly of Venezuela, as the president of Venezuela, despite Guaido having zero electoral legitimacy and having never even participated in any election for the post!
This declaration by the U.S. is designed to continue to lay the groundwork to legitimize a range of disruptive and destabilizing activities ranging from sanctions to armed coups to overthrow the democratically-elected progressive Bolivarian government led by president Nicolas Maduro.
The Trump administration’s rhetoric about human rights and democracy is completely hollow. Venezuela is in fact being targeted because it has a socialist leadership that challenges the dominance of western corporations and refuses to obey the dictates of Washington.
We call on all progressive people and opponents of U.S. wars to rally in defense of Venezuela’s sovereignty and the Bolivarian Revolution!
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! Viva la revolucion bolivariana!